


tekv offers e-commerce tools to improve efficiency, whether you ship 250 or 25,000 orders a day.

Compliance with e-commerce raises many challenges, specifically the abundance of SKUs and order mix from omni-channel including direct orders, third parties, Amazon, Walmart, and many other direct ship orders. These variables add complexity in fulfilling orders with more manual touches to complete orders.

In recent years, the supply chain has changed, with more businesses being direct shippers. This change involves an increased commitment to receiving, storing inventory, crossdocking, and fulfilling orders.

Any warehouse or distribution center (DC) that delivers over a few hundred (or tens of thousands) orders every day is significantly improved from migrating from manual order fulfillment and shipping mechanism to the implementation of a variety of solutions that vastly improve effectiveness, work processes, order consistency, and overall customer satisfaction.


Typical applications include:

  1. Conveyor systems
  2. Receiving
  3. Returns processing
  4. Order picking
  5. End of line shipping
  6. Sortation

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